XGC-0: electron dynamics is enabled again
Previous XGC-0 results with with electron dynamics disabled show significant difference in radial electric field profiles. Simulations with electron disabled has larger values for radial electric field in the plasma core. It looks that there is a charge separation in the plasma core (see Fig 1).
Two new simulations are submitted on Franklin:
- XGC-204 for the DIII-D discharge 096333.0333, and
- XGC-205 for the DIII-D discharge 136674.01405.
Another problem that needs to be address is particle losses (see Fig. 2).
Some changes to the code includes increased number of radial zones for radial electric field:
- efld_npsi is increased from 35 to 70 in modules.F90
Gunyoung suggested to disable the bounce operation from
the simulation inner boundary in the simulations that include magnetic axis. Cases XGC-200 — XGC-205 don’t include the magnetic axis and start at sml_inpsi equal to 0.01.