Particle and thermal fluxes in divertor region of DIII-D discharges with neoclassical only effects
Four simulations without anomalous diffusion (tbl_diffusion_on=0) have been submitted on Hopper at NERSC. One simulation crashed after 12750 in the interpolation routines:
istep: 12750
?herm2ev: xget= NaN out of range 4.4710E-01 to 1.3519E+00 ?herm2ev: yget= NaN out of range -8.5161E-01 to 8.5161E-01 **EZspline** ERROR/WARNING # 96 occurred **EZspline** some error occurred in EZspline_derivative
This problem is still to be sorted out. Other simulations are completed. However, temperature and density profiles looks odd. In particular, there is a bump in the ion temperature profiles just after the separatrix
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