The comparison with experimental profiles has been improved through using eq_nmass1=2 option. Also, the simulations have been run for longer times (20 ion transit times vs 14 ion transit times as before). Some diffusivities differ significantly from the prevous scan
&tbl_param ! (anomalous) turbulence diffusion
tbl_diffusion_on=1 ! 0: no turbulence diffusion, 1: simple turbulence diffusion
tbl_diffusion_mode=3 ! 1 = random walk, 2 = random walk + anomalous convective velocity
tbl_stop_time=500000 ! Stop the turbulence diffusion
tbl_period = 1 ! frequency of calling fmcfm_call
tbl_d_profile_on=-1 ! 1: spatially varying D_turb profile (tanh), 0: spatially constant profile in pedestal region
tbl_slope_on=0 ! D_turb turned on only within finite poloidal angles (+45 deg) around outside midplane
tbl_d_profile_psicen=0.94D0 ! D_turb profile center
tbl_d_profile_psiwid=0.02D0 ! D_turb profile full width
tbl_d_profile_psicen2=0.995D0 ! D_turb profile center
tbl_d_profile_psiwid2=-0.01D0 ! D_turb profile full width
! particle diffusivities (random walk diffusion coefficients)
tbl_D_coeff_in=0.3D0 ! m^2/sec, inside (pedestal top) value of D_turb
tbl_D_coeff=0.15D0 ! m^2/sec, outside (pedestal bottom) value of D_turb
tbl_D_coeff2=0.5D0 ! m^2/sec, D_turb for outside of separatrix (SOL+private flux region)
! ion thermal diffusivities
tbl_therDi_coeff_in=0.1D0 ! m^2/sec, inside (pedestal top) value of thermal D_turb for ions
tbl_therDi_coeff=0.1D0 ! m^2/sec, outside (pedestal bottom) value of thermal D_turb for ions
tbl_therDi_coeff2=0.9D0 ! m^2/sec, thermal D_turb for outside of separatrix (SOL+private flux region) for ions
! electron thermal diffusivities
tbl_therDe_coeff_in=0.6D0 ! m^2/sec, inside (pedestal top) value of thermal D_turb for electrons
tbl_therDe_coeff=-0.05D0 ! m^2/sec, outside (pedestal bottom) value of thermal D_turb for electrons
tbl_therDe_coeff2=0.9D0 ! m^2/sec, thermal D_turb for outside of separatrix (SOL+private flux region) for electrons