Alexei Pankin:   


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San Diego, CA, USA -  





Current Researches:

Predictive modeling of the Alcator C-Mod discharge with 1 and 1/2 transport BALDUR code.

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Articles Published or Accepted in Refereed Journals
  1. J.D. Callen and T.H. Osborne and R.J. Groebner and H.E. St. John and A.Y. Pankin and G. Bateman and A.H. Kritz and W.M. Stacey (2007) Paleoclassical model for edge electron temperature pedestal // Submitted to Phys. Ref. Lett.

  2. A.Y. Pankin, G.Bateman, D.P. Brennan, A.H. Kritz, S. Kruger, P.B. Snyder, and C.Sovinec (2007) Modeling of ELM dynamics for DIII-D and ITER, Plasma. Phys. Control. Fusion 49, S63-75.

  3. J. Lönnroth, G. Bateman, M. Bécoulet, P. Beyer, G. Corrigan, C. Figarella, W. Fundamenski, O.E. Garcia, X. Garbet, G. Huysmans, G. Janeschitz, T. Johnson, T. Kiviniemi, S. Kuhn, A. Kritz, A. Loarte, V. Naulin, F. Nave, T. Onjun, G.W. Pacher, H.D. Pacher, A. Pankin, V. Parail, R. Pitts, G. Saibene, P. Snyder, J. Spence, D. Tskhakaya, H. Wilson, (2006) Integrated ELM modelling// Contrib. Plasma Phys. 46, 726-738.

  4. D. D. Schnack, D. C. Barnes, D. P. Brennan, C. C. Hegna, E. Held, C. C. Kim, S. E. Kruger, A. Y. Pankin, and C. R. Sovinec (2006) Computational modeling of fully ionized magnetized plasmas using the fluid approximation // Phys. Plasmas 13, 058103.

  5. G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, A. Y. Pankin, T. Onjun, J. E. McElhenny and C. MacDonald (2006) Simulations of pedestal formation and ELM cycles // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion 48, A93-A99.

  6. D. P. Brennan, S. E. Kruger, D. D. Schnack, C. R. Sovinec and A. Pankin (2006) Computing nonlinear magnetohydrodynamic edge localized instabilities in fusion plasmas // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 46, 63-72.

  7. A. Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D. P. Brennan, D. D. Schnack and et al. (2006) Theory-based model for the pedestal, edge stability and ELMs in tokamaks // Nuclear Fusion: 46, 403-411.

  8. G.W. Pacher, H.D. Pacher, G. Janeschitz, A.S. Kukushkin, A. Pankin, G. Pereverzev and I. Voitsekhovitch (2005) Modelling of ITER improved H-mode operation with the integrated core pedestal SOL model // Nuclear Fusion: 45, 581-587.

  9. C.R. Sovinec, D.D. Schnack, A. Y. Pankin, D. P. Brennan, H. Tian, D.C. Barnes, S.E. Kruger, E.D. Held, C.C. Kim, X.S. Li, D.K. Kaushik, S.C. Jardin and the NIMROD Team (2005) Nonlinear extended magnetohydrodynamics simulation using high-order finite elements // Journal of Physics: Conference Series: 16, 25-34.

  10. A. Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D. P. Brennan, D. D. Schnack and et al. (2005) ELM triggering conditions for the integrated modeling of H-mode plasmas // Czech Journal of Physics: 55, 367 - 380.

  11. A. Y. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, A. Dnestrovski, G. Janeschitz, A. H. Kritz, M. Murakami, T. Onjun, T. Osborne, G. W. Pacher, and H. D. Pacher (2004) Combined Model for the H-mode Pedestal and ELMs // Plasma Phys. Control. Fusion: 47, 483-504.

  12. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, R. Budny, A.H. Kritz, D. McCune, A. Polevoi, I. Voitsekhovitch (2004) Numerical Techniques Used in Neutral Beam Injection Modules // Computer Physics Communications: 164, 421-427.

  13. A. H. Kritz, G. Bateman, J. Kinsey, A. Pankin, T. Onjun, A. Redd, D. McCune, C. Ludescher, A. Pletzer, R. Andre, L. Zakharov, L. Lodestro, L. D. Pearlstein, R. Jong, W. Houlberg, P. Strand, J. Wiley, P. Valanju, H. St. John, R. Waltz, J. Mandrekas, T. K. Mau, J. Carlsson and B. Braams (2004) The National Transport Code Collaboration Module Library//Computer Physics Communications: 164, 108-113.

  14. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, D. McCune, R. Andre (2004) The Tokamak Monte Carlo Fast Ion Module NUBEAM as Part of the NTCC Library - // Computer Physics Communications: 159, 157-184.

  15. J. Kinsey, T. Onjun, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, A. Pankin, G. Staebler, and R. Waltz (2003) Burning Plasma Projections Using Drift Wave Transport Models and Scalings for the H-mode Pedestal// Nuclear Fusion: 43, 1845-1854.

  16. V. Mukhovatov, Y. Shimomura, A. Polevoi, M. Shimada, M. Sugihara, G. Bateman, J.G. Cordey, O. Kardaun, G. Pereverzev, I. Voitsekhovich, J. Weiland, O. Zolotukhin, A. Chudnovskiy, A.H. Kritz, A. Kukushkin, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, F.W. Perkins (2003) Comparison of ITER performance predicted by semi-empirical and theory-based transport models// Nuclear Fusion: 43, 942-948.

  17. X. Garbet, Y. Baranov, G. Bateman, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, R. Budny, F. Crisanti, B. Esposito, C. Figarella, C. Fourment, P. Ghendrih, F. Imbeaux, E. Joffrin, J. Kinsey, A. Kritz, X. Litaudon, P. Maget, P. Mantica, D. Moreau, Y. Sarazin, A. Pankin, V. Parail, A. Peeters, T. Tala, G. Tardini, A. Thyagaraja, I. Voitsekhovitch, J. Weiland, R. Wolf and EFDA-JET contributors (2003) Micro-stability and Transport Modelling of Internal Transport Barriers on JET// Nuclear Fusion 43: 975-981.

  18. T. Davydova, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A. Pankin (2003) Toroidal electron temperature gradient mode structure in the presence of nonuniform background flows// Physics of Plasmas 10: 3614-3628.

  19. G. Bateman, M. Bandrés, A.H. Kritz, A. Pankin (2003) Integrated predictive modeling of H-mode tokamak plasma using a combination of core and pedestal models// Physics of Plasmas 10: 4358-4359.

  20. I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A. Pankin (2002) Predictive Simulations of Radio Frequency Heated Plasmas of Tore Supra Using the Multi-Mode Model// Physics of Plasmas 9: 4241-4251.

  21. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, M. Greenwald, J. Snipes, T. Fredian (2001) Alcator C-Mod Predictive Modeling// Physics of Plasmas 8:4403-4413.

  22. G. M. Staebler, J.E. Kinsey, P.Zhu, G. Bateman, W. Horton, A. H. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, R. E. Waltz (2001) Drift wave-based modeling of poloidal spin-up precursor and step-wise expansion of transport barriers// Nuclear Fusion 41: 891-899.

  23. D. Hannum, G. Bateman, J. Kinsey, A. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin (2001) Comparison of H-Mode predictive simulation using mixed Bohm/gyroBohm (JETTO) and Multi-Mode (MMM95) transport models// Physics of Plasmas 8: 964-974.

  24. M. Murakami, G.R. McKee, G.L.Jackson, G.M. Staebler, D. Alexander, D.R. Baker, G. Bateman, L.R. Baylor, J.A. Boedo, N.H. Brooks, K.H. Burrell, J. Cary, R. Cohen, J.C. DeBoo, R.J. Colchin, E. Doyle, D.R. Ernst, T. E. Evans, C. Fenzi, C.M. Greenfield, D.E. Greenwood, R.J. Groebner, W.A. Houlberg, A.W. Hyatt, R.J. La Haye, T.C. Jernigan, R. Jong, J.E. Kinsey, A. Kritz, L.L. Lao, C. Lasnier, M. Makowski, A. Messiaen, J. Mandrekas, J. Ongena, A. Pankin, C.L. Rettig, B.W. Rice, T. Rhodes, D.W. Ross, R. Moyer, C.Petty, T. Petrie, C. Rost, S. Shasharina, W.M. Stacey, H.E. St John, P. I. Strand, R.D. Sydora, D.M. Thomas, M.R. Wade, W.P. West, R.E. Waltz, K.L. Wong, L. Zeng, and the DIII-D Team (2001) Physics of Confinement Improvement of Plasma with Impurity Injection in DIII-D// Nuclear Fusion 41: 317-323.

  25. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (2000) Short-scaled drift structures near the boundary of marginal stability in tokamaks// Ukrainian Journal of Physics 45: 1053-1058.

  26. V.S. Marchenko, A.Y. Pankin (1998) Precessional current in electron cyclotron heated tokamak plasma// Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 43: 1232-1237.

  27. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1998) Envelope nonlinear drift structures in a non-equilibrium plasma near the boundary of a marginal stability// Journal of Plasma Physics, 59: 179-191.

  28. I.L. Babich, A.Yu. Pankin, A.N. Veklich, V.A. Zhovtyansky (1998) Influence of diffusion processes on formation of radial structure of electric arc burning in metal vapors// Letters to the Journal of Technical Physics 24: No 22, 40-45.

  29. A.A. Gurin, A.Yu. Pankin, V.M. Slobodyan (1998) Ion energy distribution function on the cathode of abnormal glow discharge: Analytical model and numerical calculation// Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 43: 427-434. (in Ukrainian).

  30. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1997) Nonlinear structures near the boundary of marginal stability // Beam stability and nonlinear dynamics. - New York: Woodbury, 149-163.

  31. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1997) Envelope nonlinear drift solitons in a non-equilibrium plasma near the boundary of a linear stability// Ukrainian Journal of Physics, 42: 983-989 (in Ukrainian).

  32. V.S. Marchenko, A.Yu. Pankin (1995) Alpha-particle driven TAE instability suppression by the resonant RF field// Nuclear Fusion 35: 959-967.

  33. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1995) Features of nonlinear drift wave interactions near marginal stability boundary in plasmas.// Ukrainian Journal of Physics 40: 481-486.

  34. A.A. Gurin, K.L. Kruglikov, A.Yu. Pankin, V.M. Slobodyan (1992) Ion energy spectra on the cathode of steady current glow discharge// Electronic Techniques 7/174: 9-15 (in Russian).

Other Refereed Contributions
  1. A.Y. Pankin, Z. Mikic, V. Titov, J. Goodman, D.A. Uzdensky and D.D. Schnack (2006) 3-D MHD Simulation of the Accretion Disk Corona// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics BO2.00006.
  2. A.H. Kritz, A.Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D.P. Brennan, P.B. Snyder, and S. Kruger (2006) Modeling of ITER ELM Dynamics// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics UO1.00014.
  3. G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, F.D. Halpern, A.Y. Pankin, D. McCune, R.V. Budny, S. Jardin (2006) Progress in Verification and Validation of the PTRANSP Code// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics JP1.00126.
  4. F.D. Halpern, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A.Y. Pankin, R.V. Budny, C. Kessel, D. McCune, T. Onjun (2006) ITER Simulations Using the PEDESTAL Module in the PTRANSP Code// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics JP1.00127.
  5. C.M. Wolfe, A.H. Kritz, G. Bateman, J.E. Kinsey, A.Y. Pankin, G.M. Staebler (2006) Comparison of Anomalous Transport Models// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics JP1.00128.
  6. D.D. Schnack, D.C. Barnes, D.P. Brennan, A.Y. Pankin, C.R. Sovinec (2006) Validation of 2-Fluid and Gyro-Viscous Terms in Nimrod// Bull. of American Phys. Soc. 48 Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics UP1.00040.
  7. A.Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D.P. Brennan, A. H. Kritz, S. Kruger, V. Parail, J.S. Lonnroth, P.B. Snyder, and NIMROD team (2006) A comprehensive stability analysis for integrated modeling studies of ELMs in JET Proc. of US-EU TTF Meeting (Apr 4, 2006 - Apr 7, 2006, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA).
  8. G. Bateman, F.D. Halpern, A.H. Kritz, A.Y. Pankin (2006) Effect of Neoclassical Tearing Modes and Sawtooth Oscillations on Confinement in Tokamaks Proc. of US-EU TTF Meeting (Apr 4, 2006 - Apr 7, 2006, Myrtle Beach, SC, USA).
  9. J.D. Callen, J.K. Anderson, T.C. Arlen, G. Bateman, R.V. Budny, T. Fujita, C.M. Greenfield, M. Greenwald, R.J. Groebner, D.N. Hill, G.M.D. Hogeweij, S.M.Kaye, A.H. Kritz, E.A. Lazarus, A.C. Leonard, M.A. Mahdavi, H.S. McLean, T.H. Osborne, A.Y. Pankin, C.C. Petty, J.S. Sarfi, H.E. St. John, W.M. Stacey, D.Stutman, E.J. Synakowski, K. Tritz (2006) Experimental Tests Of Paleoclassical Transport // Proc. of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (16 - 21 October, Chengdu, China).
  10. Y.Kamada, A.W.Leonard, G.Bateman, M.Becoulet, C.S.Chang, T.Eich, T.E.Evans, R.J.Groebner, P.N.Guzdar, L.D.Horton, A.Hubbard, J.W. Hughes, K.Ida, G.Janeschitz, K.Kamiya, A.Kirk, A.H.Kritz, A.Loarte, J.S.Lonnroth, C.F.Maggi, R.Maingi, H.Meyer, V.Mukhovatov, T.Onjun, M.Osipenko, T.H.Osborne, N.Oyama, G.W.Pacher, H.D.Pacher, A.Y.Pankin, V.Parail, A.R.Polevoi, T.Rognlien, G.Saibene, R.Sartori, M.Shimada, P.B.Snyder, M.Sugihara, W.Suttrop, H.Urano, M.R.Wade, H.R.Wilson, X.Q.Xu, M.Yoshida, and the ITPA Edge & Pedestal Physics Topical Group (2006) Edge pedestal physics and its implications for ITER // Proc. of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (16 - 21 October, Chengdu, China).
  11. T. Onjun, A.H. Kritz, G. Bateman, and A. Pankin (2006) Second Ballooning Stability Effect on H-mode Pedestal Scalings // Proc. of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (16 - 21 October, Chengdu, China).
  12. C.R. Sovinec, A.Y. Pankin, S.E. Kruger, D.P. Brennan, P.B. Snyder, D.D. Schnack, E.D. Held, D.C. Barnes, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, S.C. Jardin, J. Breslau (2006) Extended Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Edge Localized Modes in Existing and Future Tokamak Devices // Proc. of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (16 - 21 October, Chengdu, China).
  13. F. Porcelli, G. Bateman, L.-G. Eriksson, D. Grasso, J. Graves, T. Hellsten, G. Huysmans, T. Johnson, A. Kritz, H. Lütjens, M.-L. Mayoral, M.F. Nave, C. N. Nguyen, A. Pankin, A. Perona, S. D. Pinches, P. Sandquist, O. Sauter, S. Sharapov, I. Voitsekhovich, F. Zonca, contributors to JET-EFDA and to the European Task Force on Integrated Modelling Activity (2006) Integrated Modelling of Sawtooth Oscillations in Tokamak Plasmas // Proc. of 21st IAEA Fusion Energy Conference (16 - 21 October, Chengdu, China).
  14. A.Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D.P. Brennan, A.H. Kritz, S. Kruger, P.B. Snyder, and the Nimrod Team (2006) Modeling of ELM Dynamics in ITER // Proc. of IEA Large Tokamak IA Workshop on Edge Transport in Fusion Plasmas (September 11 - 13, 2006, Kraków, Poland).
  15. A. Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D. P. Brennan, G. Janeschitz, A. H. Kritz, T. Onjun, G.W. Pacher, H.D. Pacher, P. B. Snyder, I. Voitsekhovitch Transport Modeling of ELMy H-mode plasmas // Proc. Workshop on Fluid Modeling of ELMs (January 25-26, 2006, Boulder, CO).
  16. D.P. Brennan, S.E. Kruger, A.Y. Pankin, D.D. Schnack, P.B. Snyder (2005) Nonlinear Evolution of Edge Localized Modes in Extended MHD // Proc. of Int. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 11-13, Stateline, Nevada) O4-04
  17. D. D. Schnack and A. Pankin (2005) Implementation of ion gyro-viscosity in the NIMROD code // Proc. of Int. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 11-13, Stateline, Nevada) P1-22
  18. A. Y. Pankin, G. Bateman, D.P. Brennan, A. H. Kritz, D.D. Schnack, and P.B. Snyder (2005) Extended MHD stability analysis for transport modeling of ELMs // Proc. of Int. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 11-13, Stateline, Nevada) P2-26
  19. G. W. Pacher, H. D. Pacher, G. Janeschitz, A. S. Kukushkin, A. Pankin, G. Pereverzev, I. Voitsekhovitch (2004) Modelling of ITER Improved H-mode Operation with the Integrated Core Pedestal SOL Model // Proc. of 20th IAEA Energy Conf. (Vilamoura, Portugal, 1-6 November 2004) IAEA-CN-116/IT/P3-25
  20. P. N. Guzdar, S. M. Mahajan, Z. Yoshida, W. Dorland, B. N. Rogers, G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, A. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, T. Onjun, S. Snyder, J. Mcelhenny, C. Macdonald (2004) Theory and theory-based models for the pedestal, edge-stability, and ELMs in tokamaks // Proc. of 20th IAEA Energy Conf. (Vilamoura, Portugal, 1-6 November 2004) IAEA-CN-116/IT/TH-54
  21. Pankin A.Y., Bateman G., Brennan D.P., Schnack D.D., Snyder P.B., Voitsekhovitch I., Kritz A.H., Janeschitz G., Kruger S., Onjun T., Pacher G.W., Pacher H.D. (2004) ELM triggering conditions for the integrated modeling of H-mode plasmas // Proc. of Int. Congress on Plasma Physics (Nice, France, 25-29 october 2004) HAL article
  22. Onjun T., Parail V., Bateman G., Kritz ARNOLD H., Corrigan G., Heading D., Lonnroth J., Wilson H.R., Dnestrovskij A., Huysmans G. T. A., Pankin A. (2004) MHD-calibrated ELM model in simulations of ITER // Proc. of Int. Congress on Plasma Physics (Nice, France, 25-29 october 2004)
  23. J. Breslau, W. Park, S. Jardin, H. Strauss, D. Schnack, A. Pankin (2004) Conclusions of the M3D/NIMROD Cross-Code Benchmark// Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49, No 8: 230: 184.
  24. A. Pankin, G. Yu, S. Krasheninnikov, S. Kruger, D. Schnack (2004) Blob modeling in the scrape of layer of tokamak with the NIMROD code // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49, No 8: 230: 310.
  25. C. MacDonald, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, J. McElhenny, T. Osborne, A.Y. Pankin (2004) Calibration of model for tokamak H-mode pedestal and ELMs // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49, No 8: 230: 149.
  26. G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, and S. Snyder (2004) Issues Concerning the Simulation of the H-mode Pedestal and ELMs in Tokamaks // Proc. of EPS Conference on Plasma Phys. (London, 28 June - 2 July, 2004) ECA Vol.28G, P-2.155
  27. J. McElhenny, C. MacDonald, G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A.Y. Pankin Calibration of ASTRA Model for H-mode Simulations (2004) // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 49, No 8: 230: 314.
  28. G. Bateman, A.H. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, and S. Snyder (2004) Unresolved Issues in the Simulation of H-mode Pedestal and ELMs in Tokamaks // Proc. of Int. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 26-28, Missoula, Montana) 1E19
  29. A. Y. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, A. Dnestrovski, G. Janeschitz, A. H. Kritz, M. Murakami, T. Onjun, T. Osborne, G. W. Pacher, and H. D. Pacher (2004) Justification of the model for H-mode pedestal and ELMs // Proc. of Int. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 26-28, Missoula, Montana) 1E32
  30. A. Pankin, I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, A. Dnestrovskiy, G. Janeschitz, A. H. Kritz, M. Murakami, T. Onjun, T. Osborne, G..W. Pacher, H.D. Pacher (2003) Time dependent modeling of the ELMy H-mode discharges// Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48: 230.
  31. I. Voitsekhovitch, A. Pankin, T. Onjun, G. Bateman, A. H. Kritz, G..W. Pacher, H.D. Pacher, G. Janeschitz, G. Pereverzev (2003) Theory-based model for H-mode pedestal and ELMs in tokamak plasmas// Bulletin of the American Physical Society 48: 230.
  32. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, R. Budny, A.H. Kritz, D. McCune, A. Polevoi, I. Voitsekhovitch (2003) Numerical Techniques Used in Neutral Beam Injection Modules // Proc. Int. Conf. on Numerical Simulation of Plasmas (Cape Cod, MA, USA, 7-10 October 2003).
  33. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, P. Guzdar, R. Kleva, A. Kritz, T. Onjun (2003) Evaluation of models for L-H transition in tokamak plasmas // Proc. Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (Corpus Christi, TX, USA, 28-30 April 2003).
  34. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, T. Davydova (2002) Influence of the background flows on th ETG mode and Formation of Internal Transport Barriers // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47: 72.
  35. T. Onjun, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, A. Pankin (2002) Predictive Modeling of the ITER, FIRE, and IGNITOR Fusion reactor designs // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 47: 269.
  36. A. Pankin, Glenn Bateman, Tatiana Davydova, Tuong Hoang, Wendell Horton, Arnold Kritz (2002) Integrated Predictive Modeling of Internal Transport Barriers in JET, DIII-D, and Tore Supra Discharges // Proc. of the EU-US Transport Task Force (Córdoba, Spain, 9-12 September 2002).
  37. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, T. Davydova (2002) Electron Temperature Gradient Model as Part of Integrated Predictive Modeling // Proc. of the EPS 2002 (Montreux, Switzerland, June, 2002).
  38. A. Pankin, G.Bateman, K. Indireshkumar, S. Jardin, A. Kritz, D.McCune (2002) Application of the NTCC modular approach to the TRANSP code // Proc. International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Rochester, New York, April 22-24, 2002) 1D13.
  39. Glenn Bateman, A. H. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, and C. Nguyen Testing H-mode Pedestal and Core Transport Models Using Predictive Integrated Modeling Simulations Code // Proc. of the Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (Rochester, NY, March, 2002).
  40. G. Bateman, G. Borse, A. H. Kritz, A. Pankin, A. Redd, B. Scott, J. Weiland (2001) Improved Transport and Edge Models for Integrated Modelling Codes // Proc. of the 2001 US-European Transport Task Force Meeting (May 2001, Fairbanks, Alaska).
  41. G. Bateman, A. Kritz, T. Onjun, A. Pankin, C. Nguyen (2002) Testing H-mode pedestal and core transport models using predictive integrated modeling simulations // Proc. International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (Rochester, New York, April 22-24, 2002) 2C16.
  42. A. Pankin, G.Bateman, A.H. Kritz, D.McCune, R.Abdre, J. Davidheiser (2001) The TRANSP Neutral Beam Injection Calculation as a NTCC Library Module // Bulletin of the American Physical Society (submitted).
  43. A. Pankin, G.Bateman, A.H. Kritz (2000) Alcator C-Mod predictive modeling // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 45: 317-318.
  44. D. McCune, C. Ludescher, A. Pletzer, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, A. Pankin, W. Houlberg, P. Strand, J. Kinsey, Y.R. Linliu, J. Wiley, T.K. Mau, L. Lodestro, J. Mandrekas (2001) Physics Modules in the National Transport Code Modules Library // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 46, No. 8: 116.
  45. T. Onjun, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, A. Pankin, G. Hammet, A. Hubbard, J. Hughes, D. Mossessian, V. Parail (2001) Models for pedestal temperature att he edge of H-mode plasmas in tokamaks // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 46, No. 8: 117.
  46. G. Bateman, A. Pankin, A. Kritz, M. Greenwald, J. Snipes, and the Alcator C-Mod team (2001) Integrated predictive simulations of gyro-radius and collisionality scans in Alcator C-Mod // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 46, No. 8: 187.
  47. R. Stamm, I. Voitsekhovitch, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, M. Koubiti, Y. Marandet, L. Godbert-Mouret, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, A. Pankin (2001) Modeling of Carbon impurity anomalous transport // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 46, No. 8: 242.
  48. I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, S. Benkadda, P. Beyer, M. Koubiti, A. Kritz, Y. Marandet, L. Mouret-Godbert, A. Pankin, R. Stamm (2001) Turbulence Driven Carbon Impurity Transport in Tokamak PlasmasTurbulence Driven Carbon Impurity Transport in Tokamak Plasmas // Proc. of the EPS Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics (18-22 June 2001, Madeira, Portugal) P.2.061.
  49. G. Bateman, G. Borse, A. H. Kritz, A. Pankin, A. Redd, B. Scott, J. Weiland (2001) Development of a New Theory-Based Transport Model // Proc. of the 2001 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 2-4, 2001, Santa Fe, New Mexico) 3B21.
  50. I. Voitsekhovitch, G. Bateman, A. Kritz, and A. Pankin (2001) Predictive simulations of energy and particle transport in LHCD discharges of Tore Supra using the Multi-Mode Model // Proc. of the 2001 International Sherwood Fusion Theory Conference (April 2-4, 2001, Santa Fe, New Mexico) 3B50.
  51. A. Pankin, G. Bateman, and B. Scott (2001) Model for Transport Driven by Drift Alfven Modes // Proc. of the Workshop on Plasma Turbulence and Transport in Edge/SOL Regions (14-15 may, 2001, Fairbanks, Alaska).
  52. J.R. Cary, S.G. Shasharina, R.H. Cohen, R. Jong, G. Bateman, J. Kinsey, A. Kritz, A. Pankin, W. Houlberg, M. Murakami, and the NTCC Demo team (2000) Benchmarking and application of the NTCC Python Physics server // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 45: 339.
  53. G. Bateman, A. Kritz, J. Kinsey, A. Pankin, J. Wiley, H. St. John, R.H. Cohen, R. Jong, J.R. Cary, S.G. Shasharina, and the NTCC Demo team (2000) Documentation and testing of the NTCC Physics Server // Bulletin of the American Physical Society 45: 339.
  54. G.Bateman, A.H. Kritz, A. Pankin, D. McCune (2000) Electron cyclotron resonance heating and heat pinch in tokamaks //Proc. International Sherwood Fusion Theory Meeting (UCLA, Los Angelos): 2C13.
  55. T.A. Davydova, A.I. Fishchuk, and A.Yu. Pankin (1998) Drift and upper hybrid envelope solitons in nonuniform magnetized plasma// Proc. International Congress on Plasma Physics/Proc. 25th EPS Conf. on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics (Prague, Czech Republic), 1998.
  56. A.Yu. Pankin, V.A. Zhovtyansky (1998) Applicability of LTE assumption in free-burning arc plasmas. Proc. Annual Conf. of the Institute for Nuclear Research: 239-241.
  57. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1997) Ion temperature gradient drift solitons in non-equilibrium plasma near marginal stability boundary Proc. Annual Conf. of the Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev: 256-260.
  58. A.A. Gurin, A.Yu. Pankin, V.M. Slobodyan (1996) Ion energy distribution at the cathode of abnormal glow discharge. Analytical and numerical approach. Preprint KINR-96-2, Kiev: 1-20.
  59. T.A. Davydova, A.Yu. Pankin (1995) Spatial-temporal evolution of ion temperature gradient-driven explosive instability near marginal stability boundary in toka-maks. Proc. 6th European Fusion Theory Conference. Utrecht, Netherlands: P3.16.
  60. I.L. Babich, A.N. Veklich, V.A. Zhovtyansky, O.Yu. Pan'kin, A.I. Cheredarchuk (1994) Combined spectroscopy and simulation methods of free-burning arc plasma investigation. Proc. ESCAMPIG 94 (Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands) 18E: 310-311.
  61. A.A. Gurin, A. Yu. Pankin, V.M. Slobodyan (1994) Ions energy distributions on cathode in helium and hydrogen abnormal glow discharges. Proc. ESCAMPIG 94 (Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands) 18E: 466-467.

Non-refereed Contributions
  1. "Applicability of LTE assumption in free burning arc plasmas" - 1998 Annual Conference of the Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev.

  2. "ITG driven mode near threshold" - The 3rd Carolus Magnus Summer School on Plasma Physics, September 1997, Spa, Belgium.

  3. "Nonlinear structures near marginal stability boundary in tokamaks" - International Conference on Beam Stability and Nonlinear Dynamics, Santa Barbara, California, December, 1996; 23rd European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Kiev, Ukraine, June, 1996; International Conference on Computational Modeling and Computing in Physics, JINR, Dubna, Russia, September, 1996.

  4. "Nonlinear structures formation under saturation of modified explosive instability" - 1996 Annual Conference of the Institute for Nuclear Research, Kiev; Joint Varenna-Lausanne International Workshop on Theory of Fusion Plasma, Varenna, Italy, August 1996.

  5. "Deviation from LTE in free burning arc plasmas: diffusion processes or radiation transfer?" - Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science, New Hampton, New Hampshire, USA, August 1996.

  6. "Energy distribution functions in near cathode region of abnormal glow discharge" - Gordon Research Conference on Plasma Processing Science, New Hampton, New Hampshire, USA, August 1996.

  7. "Spatial-temporal evolution of ion temperature gradient-driven explosive instability near marginal stability boundary in tokamaks" - The 6th European Fusion Theory Conference. Utrecht, the Netherlands, October 1995.

  8. "Combined spectroscopy and simulation methods of free-burning arc plasma investigation" - The 12th European Sectional Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August, 1994.

  9. "Ion energy distribution on cathode in helium and hydrogen abnormal glow discharges" - The 12th European Sectional Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized Gases, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, August, 1994.

  10. "Electric arc plasma: modern methods of research - next level of understanding" - Physics in Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine, June, 1993.
    b) Technical reports

  11. Davydova, A.A. Gurin, A.I. Fishchuk, V.M. Lashkin, V.S. Marchenko, V.G. Panchenko, A.Yu. Pankin, V.N. Pavlenko, I.M. Rozum, V.B. Taranov, K.P. Shamrai (1997) Technical report "Nonlinear coherent and stochastic dynamics of plasma systems": 1-12.

  12. Davydova, V.M. Lashkin, V.G. Panchenko, A.Yu. Pankin, V.N. Pavlenko (1995) Technical report "Influence of HF fields on LF wave excitation and absorption in to-kamaks": 1-38.

  13. Davydova, A.A. Gurin, A.I. Fishchuk, V.M. Lashkin, V.S. Marchenko, V.G. Panchenko, A.Yu. Pankin, V.N. Pavlenko, V.B. Taranov, K.P. Shamrai (1995) Tech-nical report "Turbulence and self-organization processes in plasma": 1-109.
    4. Patents and Copyrights

  14. Computer code MK96H (to calculate ion and electron distribution functions in the cathode fall region of Hydrogen and Argon abnormal glow discharges).

 Updated 2003-11-09
© Alexei Pankin